Hidden file show by code

Hidden file show by code
Dear User, you know how can show hidden file by code. we has some steps for hidden file show. Maximum time we see our External device such as Pendrive, Memory and other device File Hide. We know it is full virus related problem and it is very dangerous problem because this time you can’t find any important file or data. Some user don’t know how can solve this problem but some user know this problem solve system but don’t know this Run Command. If you see our Tutorial or text, you can solve this file hidden problem. You can solve this problem vary easily.
Some stapes:
1. Write “cmd” in run command.

2. Please see your external device title such as n: / h: / e: or one another.
3. Attrib –h –s /h /d *.*
4. Please go your external device and show all file or data

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